Photography exhibition The French Phycological Society has a collection of 32 magnificent photographs of macro- and microalgae, taken by Erwan Amice, Wilfried Thomas, Sébastien Colin and Marie Walde. These photographs have been printed on rigid aluminium supports for the 8th European Phycology Congress in Brest-Arena in 2023. Exhibition dates and venues:Read More →

Capturing the seaweed: between scientific reality and artistic imagination Project leader: French Phycological Society Artistic commissioner: Camille Prunet, ATER Laboratoire de Recherche en Audiovisuel – Savoirs, Praxis et Poïétiques en Art (LARA-SEPPIA), Université de Toulouse Jean Jaurès Scientific commissioner: Line Le Gall, Lecturer, Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle. Local coordinator: Justine Dumay, Lecturer, Université de Nantes. In partnership with: Places and dates of implementation: The exhibition “Algae Imaginarium: between scientific reality and artistic imagination” is part of La Mer XXL 2019 in Nantes, an extraordinary event dedicated to the oceans. It aims to discover the extraordinary diversity of marine algae, their fragility and their richness, byRead More →