The French Phycological Society workshop was held at Ifremer Nantes on 6 and 7 December 2022. 57 members of the Society attended 2 invited oral presentations (“Ecophysiology of polar phytoplankton” by Thomas Lacour and “Metabolic coevolution in brown algae: the example of interactions between Laminariales and endophytic Ectocarpales” by Gabriel Markov) and 21 oral presentations. The topics were once again very varied (see the programme below) and 13 students competed for SPF grants: congratulations to Florent Charton (conference: EPC8), Clémence Boucher (conference: EPC8), Nolwenn Kergosien (conference: EPC8) and Wendy Diruit (conference: ISS)! The association also held its Annual General Assembly. On the afternoon of Wednesday 7 December, some participants were able to visit Ifremer’s experimental facilities for growing microalgae.