Thomas Burel has a PhD in marine ecology and is an expert in macroalgae. His research activities are currently focused on the functioning of coastal habitats dominated by macrophytes (wrack, kelp, eelgrass and maerl habitats). Within the framework of national and European monitoring, he participates in the evaluation of the ecological status of these ecosystems via the macroalgal component. He also studies the diversity and taxonomy of North Atlantic macroalgae, contributing particularly to the monitoring of non-indigenous species. He particularly encourages this knowledge sharing in the associative framework by organizing seminars and public outings. Since 2017, he teaches general ecology, botany, taxonomy and biostatistics in several Breton Universities (UBO, UBS), has trained more than twenty trainees and participates in the supervision of a PhD student. Finally, through his environmental consulting company (EXEPT), he supports various local and international actors, by investing in the management of marine resources, the realization of natural habitat mapping and the census of remarkable species.

Effect of hydrodynamics on the horizontal structuring of macroalgal communities.